How to Win Over 70% of Your League of Legends Games

How to Win Over 70% of Your League of Legends Games

Winning over 70% of your games in League of Legends is a challenging yet achievable goal if you adhere to certain strategies that optimize your gameplay. Below are some of the most effective methods to help you improve your win rate consistently.

1. Specialize in a Few Champions

One of the most effective ways to climb the ranks is to narrow your focus to just a few champions. By mastering a limited champion pool, you’ll understand their strengths, weaknesses, and power spikes in different matchups. This specialization allows you to play more consistently and make better in-game decisions. Whether you choose to main two champions per role or stick to one role entirely, deep knowledge of your chosen champions will give you a significant edge.

2. Optimize Your Early Game

The first 10 minutes of the game set the stage for the rest of the match. During this phase, your primary focus should be on last-hitting minions, controlling the wave, and avoiding unnecessary pushes that could expose you to enemy junglers. Effective ward placement, especially early in the game, is crucial for avoiding ganks and maintaining control over your lane. By playing defensively and not pushing the wave too early, you minimize risks and create opportunities to capitalize on your opponent’s mistakes.

3. Master the Draft Phase

The draft phase is more than just picking your favorite champion—it’s about counter-picking and building a team composition that works well together. Avoid being the first to pick unless you’re confident that your champion can’t be easily countered. Study your matchups and understand how your champion interacts with the enemy’s and your team’s composition. A strong draft can give you a significant advantage before the game even begins.

4. Set Specific, Measurable Goals

Improvement in League of Legends is best achieved by setting specific, measurable goals. Track key metrics like CS per minute, warding frequency, and kill participation. By focusing on these areas, you can continuously improve your gameplay. For example, if your goal is to increase your CS per minute, concentrate on your last-hitting during the laning phase. As you achieve these smaller goals, your overall win rate will naturally improve.

5. Create a Consistent Practice Routine

Consistency is key to improvement. Before diving into ranked games, establish a routine that includes warming up with last-hitting drills or practicing specific champion combos in the practice tool. Regularly reviewing your gameplay, especially through VODs, can help you identify mistakes and areas for improvement. This disciplined approach will refine your skills and prepare you for higher levels of play.

By following these strategies, you’ll increase your chances of winning and climb the ranks more efficiently. Consistency, practice, and smart decision-making are the cornerstones of success in League of Legends.


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