Erobb221 (Eric Robbins) : Streamer Wiki

Erobb221 (Eric Robbins) : Streamer Wiki

Introducing Streamer Erobb221 (Eric Robbins)

Meet Erobb221, or Eric Robbins in the real world, a 28-year-old (born March 9, 1992) American Twitch streamer. Known for his entertaining content and gaming prowess, Eric Robbins has built a solid Twitch community, boasting over 20,000 subscribers! This pro streamer specializes in fighting video games and is a true gaming enthusiast.

Specialty and Main Content

Erobb221 is a master of strategy and fighting games. Known for his competitive nature, he loves sharing his knowledge with his viewers. His main content revolves around the online combat game League of Legends, but he also dabbles in games such as Fortnite, Call of Duty, and Valorant. He's regularly invited to tournaments and competitions, even bagging several national League of Legends tournament victories.

Greatest Accomplishment

Erobb221's crowning glory is his victory in the 2017 League of Legends US tournament. Beating over 200 teams for the trophy and the glory, he also participated in several international tournaments, clinching the title of Best Player of the Year in 2018. Since then, he's become a genuine star in the gaming world.

Streamer's Life and Career

Erobb221 ventured into professional streaming in 2015, quickly establishing a solid fan base. He began gaining popularity and earning money from subscribers and sponsors. Taking it a step further, he started hosting tournaments and competitions, bolstering his popularity and paving his road as a professional streamer.

Streamer's Estimated Earnings

Erobb221 is among the most popular streamers on Twitch with estimated earnings exceeding $200,000 per year. His income comes from subscribers, sponsors, and tournaments. Beyond these revenue sources, he also makes money selling emote packs, overlay packs, and merchandise. His popularity keeps growing, and he's considered one of the top streamers on Twitch.


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