ziggs items tft

Best Ziggs Items in TFT Set 9.5: How to Maximize Your Damage

Ziggs, known for his explosive area-of-effect (AoE) damage, remains a powerful champion in Teamfight Tactics (TFT) Set 9.5: Horizonbound. His Multicaster trait allows him to cast frequently, and with the right itemization, Ziggs can become a game-winning carry. In this guide, we will discuss the best items to maximize his damage output and utility on the battlefield.

Core Ziggs Item Build

  • Blue Buff: Essential for Ziggs, Blue Buff significantly reduces his mana requirements, allowing him to cast abilities almost instantly. After casting, Ziggs regains 10 mana, which means his spells are ready much quicker, maximizing his AoE potential.
  • Jeweled Gauntlet: This item enables Ziggs' spells to critically strike, greatly increasing his burst potential. It synergizes perfectly with his kit, ensuring that his bombs deal devastating critical damage, especially in clustered fights.
  • Rabadon's Deathcap: For pure damage output, Rabadon's is irreplaceable. It boosts Ziggs' Ability Power (AP) significantly, making every bomb a deadly threat. With his frequent casting, more AP means more consistent damage across the board.

Alternative Items for Ziggs

While the core build is often the best for most situations, there are a few alternative items you might consider depending on the game state and available components.

  • Archangel's Staff: If your battles tend to go long, Archangel’s Staff can be a strong pick. It scales Ziggs' AP as the fight progresses, making him stronger with every cast, ideal for drawn-out engagements.
  • Hextech Gunblade: Offering both offensive and defensive benefits, Hextech Gunblade heals Ziggs and his teammates based on the damage he deals. This can help keep your frontliners alive while Ziggs continues to bombard the enemy team.

Why These Items Work on Ziggs

Ziggs excels when he can cast his abilities often and deal large bursts of AoE magic damage. Blue Buff is the key to unlocking his frequent casting, while Jeweled Gauntlet and Rabadon's Deathcap amplify the raw damage of each bomb. This combination ensures that Ziggs not only deals consistent damage but also spikes hard in key moments, especially in the late game.

Positioning and Team Synergy

Ziggs thrives when positioned safely in the backline. Since his spells have a wide range, you don’t need him to be up close. Pair him with strong frontliners or champions that can protect him, like tanks or utility supports. Units with crowd control abilities, such as Sejuani or Nasus, can help Ziggs hit as many enemies as possible with his devastating AoE.

Synergizing with Traits

As a Multicaster, Ziggs benefits from any traits that enhance his AP or casting frequency. Strategist and Sorcerer traits are excellent to pair with him, further amplifying his ability to carry fights. Additionally, items like Ionic Spark on your frontline can reduce enemy Magic Resist, allowing Ziggs to hit even harder.


Mastering Ziggs in TFT Set 9.5 comes down to optimizing his casting frequency and burst potential. By focusing on core items like Blue Buff, Jeweled Gauntlet, and Rabadon’s Deathcap, you’ll unlock his full potential. Alternative items like Archangel’s Staff and Hextech Gunblade offer flexibility depending on your game’s unique circumstances. Keep Ziggs well-positioned, and he’ll be the explosive powerhouse your team needs.


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