Assassin's Creed Shadows

Why Assassin's Creed Shadows Could Be the Series' Best

Assassin's Creed Shadows is generating significant buzz as it prepares for its November 2024 release. Set in feudal Japan, the game features dual protagonists—a shinobi named Naoe and Yasuke, an African samurai—which allows for a variety of gameplay experiences, from stealth-focused missions to direct, combat-heavy encounters. This flexibility, combined with the stunning portrayal of 16th-century Japan, is leading many to question whether this could be the best Assassin's Creed title to date.

Gameplay and Freedom of Choice

One of the standout features of "Assassin's Creed Shadows" is the freedom it offers players. The ability to choose between two protagonists with distinct playstyles is a significant evolution in the series. Naoe, the shinobi, caters to players who prefer stealth and precision, while Yasuke provides a more direct, brutal combat experience. This duality not only enhances replayability but also harkens back to the series' roots, where stealth was paramount, while still embracing the more action-oriented gameplay seen in recent titles.

Visuals and World-Building

The game's depiction of feudal Japan has been widely praised, with dynamic environments and seasonal changes adding to the immersion. Ubisoft's attention to detail in the landscapes, from bustling castle towns to serene countryside, offers a visually rich experience that many are comparing favorably to "Ghost of Tsushima".

Controversies and Public Reception

Despite the anticipation, "Assassin's Creed Shadows" has not been without controversy. Some fans have criticized Ubisoft's choice of a non-Japanese protagonist in a game set in Japan, sparking debates about representation and historical accuracy. However, the game has also been defended for its creative choices, particularly the inclusion of Yasuke, which offers a unique perspective on Japanese history.


While it's too early to definitively crown "Assassin's Creed Shadows" as the best in the series, it certainly has the potential. The combination of innovative gameplay mechanics, breathtaking visuals, and a compelling setting make it a strong contender. Whether it will surpass fan favorites like "Assassin's Creed II" or "Black Flag" remains to be seen, but early impressions suggest that "Shadows" is a bold step forward for the franchise.

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