Warden Build Deadlock: Master the Mid-Game Power Spike

Warden Build Deadlock: Master the Mid-Game Power Spike

The Warden in Deadlock is known for his versatility, being a formidable force in both offensive and defensive roles. In this guide, we will explore a build that maximizes his potential at every stage of the game, from the early game to the final moments where control of critical objectives becomes key.

Early Game: Securing Your Lane and Resources

In the early game, it is crucial to maintain lane control and farm efficiently. Start with the Alchemical Flask for better wave-clear and resource management. Pair it with the High-Velocity Mag to smoothly deny your opponent souls while maximizing your own gains.

As soon as you can, invest in Slowing Hex. This is a vital item early on, as it will enable ganks and prevent enemies from escaping during engagements. In tough matchups, consider buying Healing Rite or Melee Lifesteal for extra sustain during trades with opponents. These early investments will ensure that you are well-equipped to control your lane and assist in map-wide engagements.

Mid Game: Capitalizing on Warden’s Power Spike

By the mid-game, Warden becomes a high-speed assassin capable of chasing down isolated enemies. With the items Fleetfoot and Enduring Speed, you can roam the map quickly, ganking enemy heroes and denying them resources.

Your core item, Veil Walker, grants invisibility, allowing for surprise attacks on unsuspecting enemies. Combine this with Suppressor to greatly increase your burst damage in fights. If you’ve been controlling lanes effectively, your Alchemical Flask should be maxed, and you can start focusing on duel-based engagements, where Warden thrives.

Recommended Mid-Game Core Items

  • Slowing Hex
  • Fleetfoot
  • Enduring Speed
  • Suppressor
  • Combat Barrier or Enchanter’s Barrier for added defense

Late Game: Dominating Critical Objectives

In the late game, Warden’s role shifts toward securing key objectives and shutting down isolated heroes. At this stage, you should upgrade to Headhunter for bonus damage on headshots, especially when combined with abilities like Last Stand to punish over-extended enemies.

Complement your build with items like Mystic Slow, Superior Duration, and Improved Reach to amplify your crowd-control and ensure that your enemies cannot escape. Warden is particularly effective in one-on-one engagements and excels at picking off lone heroes trying to split push or control objectives like the Midboss.

Late Game Key Items

  • Headhunter for added mobility and damage
  • Mystic Slow to lock down enemies
  • Superior Duration for extended crowd control
  • Magic Carpet for mobility in chaotic fights

Situational Items for Maximum Impact

Throughout the game, there are several situational items to consider depending on the opposing team composition. If mobility is key, Magic Carpet offers unmatched map control, allowing you to fly over obstacles and escape sticky situations. For added survivability in team fights, consider Diviner’s Kevlar or Soul Rebirth to stay in the fight longer.

Situational Items

  • Magic Carpet for unmatched mobility
  • Diviner’s Kevlar to boost survivability during extended team fights
  • Phantom Strike to engage on high-value targets quickly
  • Soul Rebirth for added sustain

In summary, this Warden build capitalizes on high mobility and burst damage, making Warden a terrifying assassin throughout the game. By following these item paths and knowing when to adjust based on the enemy’s strengths, you can secure key objectives and become the hero your team needs to close out the game.


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