5 Underestimated League of Legends SoloQ Champions in 2024

5 Underestimated League of Legends SoloQ Champions in 2024

In the fast-paced and competitive world of League of Legends, choosing the right champion in SoloQ can make all the difference in climbing the ranks. While certain champions dominate the meta, there are a few underrated picks that can surprise your opponents and carry games if played correctly. In this article, we'll explore five such champions that are unfairly underestimated in SoloQ for 2024.

Aurora (Mid Lane)

Aurora is a high-skill champion with a unique kit that offers a blend of burst damage, mobility, and crowd control. Despite her potential, she remains underrated due to her reliance on landing skillshots and her squishiness. Aurora excels in the early game, dominating her lane with aggressive plays. However, her low base stats and high cooldowns mean that precise positioning and timing are crucial to avoid being quickly taken down.

To maximize Aurora's impact in SoloQ, focus on mastering her skillshot-based abilities and leveraging her mobility to outmaneuver opponents. Her ultimate can be game-changing in team fights, disrupting enemy positioning and enabling your team to secure kills.

Warwick (Top Lane)

Warwick is often overlooked as a top laner, but his incredible sustain and pick potential make him a strong contender in SoloQ. His ability to heal rapidly in lane and his versatile item builds allow him to remain effective whether ahead or behind. Warwick's sustain in lane forces his opponents to invest in healing reduction early, giving him an advantage in extended trades.

When playing Warwick, focus on his sustain to outlast opponents in the laning phase and use his ultimate to secure key kills in the mid to late game. His versatility in itemization allows him to adapt to various matchups, making him a reliable pick for top lane.

Rell (Support)

Rell is an exceptional engage tank with strong crowd control, but she is often underrated due to her poor range and the difficulty of coordinating her abilities with teammates. Her explosive engage and massive crowd control make her a real threat in team fights, but her lack of long-range engage tools and reliance on team synergy can make her a challenging pick for solo play.

To make the most of Rell's kit, communicate with your team to coordinate engages and use her tankiness to soak up damage for your carries. Her unique combination of abilities makes her a valuable asset in situations where a reliable frontline and hard crowd control are needed.

Shyvana (Jungle)

Shyvana is a versatile jungler who can adapt her build to fit the needs of her team, whether as a tank, AD, or AP threat. Despite her flexibility, Shyvana is often overshadowed by flashier junglers. However, her fast clear speeds and strong objective control make her a valuable pick, especially when focusing on securing dragons and other neutral objectives.

When playing Shyvana, prioritize farming and objectives early on to build a lead. Depending on your team's needs, adjust your build to either tank the front line or dish out damage in team fights. Shyvana's ability to adapt to different roles makes her a strong and underrated pick in the jungle.

Malzahar (Mid Lane)

Malzahar excels at controlling the lane with his strong wave clear and oppressive poke. His ultimate, Nether Grasp, is a powerful tool for shutting down key enemy champions in team fights. However, Malzahar's reliance on crowd control and his relatively low damage output compared to other mid laners often make him an underappreciated pick.

To succeed with Malzahar, focus on pushing the wave and looking for opportunities to roam or apply pressure elsewhere on the map. His ultimate can single-handedly turn fights, so use it strategically to neutralize the enemy team's biggest threats.


These five champions—Aurora, Warwick, Rell, Shyvana, and Malzahar—may not be the most popular picks in SoloQ, but they have the potential to carry games when played effectively. By understanding their strengths and weaknesses, and practicing their unique playstyles, you can surprise your opponents and climb the ranks in 2024. Don't underestimate these champions; instead, give them a try and see how they can help you achieve victory in your SoloQ games.


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