10 Apex Legends Secrets the Pros Won’t Share

10 Apex Legends Secrets the Pros Won’t Share

Apex Legends is a game where skill, strategy, and quick thinking define the best from the rest. If you’re aiming to climb the ranks or simply survive longer in each match, it’s crucial to master the tips and tricks that many pros use but rarely share. Below are ten powerful tips that can give you the upper hand in the Apex Games.

1. Master Movement Techniques

Movement in Apex Legends isn’t just about getting from point A to point B. Pros take advantage of advanced movement techniques like slide jumping and bunny hopping to make themselves harder targets while maintaining speed. Slide jumping, for instance, allows you to cover ground quickly while staying low, making you less vulnerable to enemy fire. Bunny hopping can be used to keep momentum while healing, making you a moving target that's harder to hit.

2. Inventory Management Secrets

Inventory management is often overlooked, but it’s a skill that separates the good players from the great ones. Pros know exactly what to carry and when to drop unnecessary items. Prioritize ammo, health items, and grenades, while being mindful of carrying too many attachments or unnecessary stacks. The key is to keep your backpack light yet versatile, allowing for quick adjustments based on your situation.

3. Advanced Weapon Attachments

Not all attachments are created equal, and pros understand this better than anyone. While it might be tempting to grab every attachment you find, it’s important to know which ones will truly enhance your weapon’s performance. For example, a Digital Threat scope can be invaluable in late-game situations where smoke grenades are common, while a Barrel Stabilizer can make all the difference in mid-range combat.

4. Strategic Use of Legend Abilities

Each Legend in Apex has unique abilities that, when used correctly, can turn the tide of battle. Pros often use abilities in ways that are unexpected or non-traditional. For example, using Gibraltar’s Dome Shield not just for defense but to bait enemies into close-quarters combat where a well-placed Arc Star can finish them off. Understanding and adapting the use of these abilities in different scenarios can give you a significant advantage.

5. High Ground Control

In Apex Legends, having the high ground is more than just a visual advantage—it’s a strategic necessity. Pros prioritize securing high ground because it provides superior cover, better sightlines, and an overall advantage in engagements. Learning the best spots on each map to gain and maintain high ground is essential for anyone looking to improve their gameplay.

6. Understanding Third-Party Engagements

Apex Legends is infamous for its third-party engagements, where teams swoop in during or after a fight to clean up the weakened survivors. Pros are adept at predicting when and where third parties might occur, and they position themselves accordingly. The best players know when to disengage from a fight or when to push aggressively, understanding the risks of a third-party attack.

7. Audio Cues and Awareness

Sound is one of the most important, yet underutilized, aspects of Apex Legends. Pros rely heavily on audio cues to track enemy movements, identify nearby fights, and detect incoming threats. Improving your own audio awareness by using a quality headset and paying close attention to in-game sounds can help you anticipate enemy actions and avoid being caught off guard.

8. Efficient Looting Techniques

Looting efficiently is crucial, especially in the early game when every second counts. Pros know how to quickly grab what they need without exposing themselves to unnecessary danger. The key is to prioritize essential items like weapons, shields, and health packs, and to loot only when it’s safe to do so. Moving swiftly through buildings and areas while keeping an eye out for threats is a skill worth developing.

9. Using the Map to Your Advantage

Map knowledge is another area where pros excel. They use the map not just for navigation but as a strategic tool to predict enemy movements, plan rotations, and choose the best positions. Familiarize yourself with each map’s choke points, high loot areas, and safe zones to plan your moves more effectively and stay ahead of your opponents.

10. Mental Game and Adaptation

Finally, the mental game is something that all pros have mastered. Staying calm under pressure, adapting to unexpected situations, and maintaining focus are critical skills in Apex Legends. Pros practice mindfulness, maintain a positive attitude, and constantly review their gameplay to learn and improve. Building mental resilience will help you perform better, especially in high-stakes situations.


These ten tips aren’t just tricks of the trade—they’re foundational strategies that can elevate your Apex Legends gameplay. By mastering movement, inventory management, and strategic use of Legend abilities, along with honing your map knowledge and mental toughness, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a formidable player. Remember, practice makes perfect, so take these tips to heart and start applying them in your next match.

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