Master the Overture Quest in Destiny 2

Master the Overture Quest in Destiny 2

🟣 Content Overview :
  • Start by eliminating every Vex you see upon landing.
  • Navigate through corridors, avoiding pistons and jumping over gaps.
  • Collect and use Vex Modules to unlock paths and platforms.
  • Face twin bosses, Eexonios and Iizira, using portals strategically.
  • Defeat Parodos the Choral Mind by revealing and attacking its weak points.

```html Destiny 2: How to Beat the Encore Overture Exotic Quest

How to Beat the Encore Overture Exotic Quest in Destiny 2

We'll guide you through Episode Echoes' hardest challenge and put Chorus of One in your hands in no time.

By Justin Clark

Published Tuesday 1:30 PM

After exploring Solstice for gear upgrades, it's time to tackle Maya Sundaresh's creepy Vex activities.

Compared to the easier Arena/Battlegrounds quests, Encore Overture is long and deceptively tricky.

Getting Started

When you land, admire the scenery briefly, then start eliminating every Vex you see.

Despite the 1945 power cap, the Hobgoblins pack a punch, so stay alert.

Clear the area and look to your right.

The big structure with the blue indent is your destination.

Head up to the blue area, look down over the edge, and jump into the hole below.

Slide down until you can start walking down a corridor.

First Challenges

Follow the corridor until you reach a chasm and another crack in the wall.

Jump over the platform while avoiding a piston firing at you from the left.

Shimmy along the ledge on the left without falling off.

Jump down to safe ground and continue on.

You'll encounter another gap with a platform with tiny red lights on the other side.

Make a huge jump to land on it and wait for a platform with glowing light to come down on the right side.

Head up and continue down the path until it ends.

Look for a tower-like structure with more glowing platforms to ride to the top.

Head left through the tunnels and avoid platforms on pistons that drop like a ride at Six Flags.

At an intersection, take the purple hole on your right to avoid a trap.

Module Puzzles

You'll start noticing Maya Sundaresh sending you creepy threats in your HUD.

Ignore them and continue down the corridor on your right.

Note the fancy bowl with the green hologram ahead.

These are containers for Vex Modules, which are crucial for the mission.

Fight your way through the Shadow Legion to a white laser wall.

Clear the area and deal with Vox Goblins spawning every few minutes.

In the main chamber, you'll see a pillar with three gems representing locks.

Opposite the locks, a module container with a green beam indicates a module to collect.

Take the module and drop it into an empty green container nearby.

This creates a new platform with a white pillar in the center of the room.

Interact with the white pillar to unlock the first lock.

Take back the module and jump across the gap to the left where the Vex keep spawning.

Drop the module into the container to unlock the second lock.

Grab the module again, drop down to the lower level, and kill any Vex in your way.

Drop the module in the container to create a platform in the gap and take down the white barrier wall.

Go down the newly opened dark corridor and kill all the Vex, including a Vex Minotaur labeled Independent Variable.

Take down the Minotaur to get a yellow module labeled PARTITION.

Drop it into the yellow container to take down the barrier between you and the main chamber.

Grab the green module and stick it in the green container in the dark hallway to reveal a path forward.

Head back upstairs and put the module in the container that revealed the first pillar.

This will give you the platform to head into the pitch-black area ahead.

Running and Fighting

Follow the path through the darkness using tiny red lights as a guide.

You'll reach a shrine with another green module.

Grab it, and a red Vex wall of death will start chasing you.

Run back to the main chamber, clear the room, and drop the green module in the first container to open the way back outside.

Take the other module from the container nearby and head outside.

Deal with new Vex and drop the module in the container to create a platform across the chasm.

Portal Puzzles

Make a few big jumps to reach a room with enormous pillars.

Follow the path across the pillars to a series of boosters.

At the top, Maya will start texting you again.

Clear the Vex and move into the next room full of greenery.

Hit the Planetary Pistons to unlock some Radiolite to collect.

Take the booster to the next floor and kill the enemies.

In the back of the room, you'll find a blue module labeled ACCESS.

Use it to open Vex portals and clear the room of Vex, including a Hydra.

Grab the blue module the Hydra dropped and put it in the container a few feet away.

Grab the green module nearby and go through the portal.

Drop the module in the container on the right to create a new platform needing a blue module.

Go back through the portal, grab the blue module, and kill any respawned Vex.

Use the blue module in the container across the room, then grab the other one and go through the portal.

Boss Fights

Welcome to the jungle for a twin boss fight with a Tormentor and a Subjugator.

Take out the Shadow Legion first, then focus on Eexonios the Subjugator.

After reducing his health by 30%, he'll disappear, and you can grab a blue module to open a portal to Iizira.

Take out Iizira, then return to Eexonios in a new area.

Repeat the process until both bosses are defeated.

Use the stairs and open portals to your advantage to keep Iizira from effectively divebombing you.

Once both bosses are down, grab the blue module and go through the new unlocked portal for the final showdown.

Face both bosses at once, sharing a lifebar, and finish the job.

Crack open the chest up the stairs and go through the portal.

Final Challenges

In the new area, crawl through the cramped passageway to an area swarming with Hydras and Cyclopses.

Follow the path around the corner and keep moving upward using the earthy ledges.

Reach a large chamber full of Vex Harpies and Independent Variables.

Clear them out and head through the large orange cave area at the top.

Listen to an audio log about Maya Sundaresh's experiments before moving onward.

Reach a massive chamber where you can place a banner.

You have one more job to do.

Parodos the Choral Mind

Waiting at the end is Parodos the Choral Mind, a Vex Hydra fight.

First, kill an Independent Variable Minotaur to get a green module.

Use the green module in the middle container to reveal the middle platform and pillar.

Activate the switch to reveal Parodos on the ceiling.

Kill the Cyclops that spawned and use the green module to reveal the platform underneath Parodos.

Stand on the red plate to reveal the weak point on Parodos' shield and survive the Goblin horde.

Destroy the weak point and do as much damage to Parodos as possible before he vanishes.

Repeat the process until Parodos is defeated.

Congratulations! After talking to Ikora and Failsafe, you win the Auto Rifle "Choir Of One".


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