Fatal Mistakes Every League of Legends Beginner Must Avoid

Fatal Mistakes Every League of Legends Beginner Must Avoid

League of Legends (LoL) is one of the most popular and competitive multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) games in the world. However, starting out as a beginner can be overwhelming due to the game’s complexity and the steep learning curve. Avoiding common mistakes early on can make a significant difference in your journey to becoming a skilled player. In this article, we’ll explore the most fatal mistakes that beginners often make and how to avoid them.

Understanding the Basics

Ignoring the Importance of CS (Creep Score)

One of the first things new players often overlook is the importance of CS, or Creep Score. CS refers to the number of minions and monsters a player kills, which directly correlates to the amount of gold earned. Many beginners focus too much on fighting and neglect farming. To improve your CS, practice last-hitting minions in a custom game, and prioritize farming over chasing kills in the early game.

Lack of Map Awareness

Map awareness is crucial in League of Legends. Beginners often tunnel vision on their lane and forget to check the minimap, making them vulnerable to ganks from the enemy jungler. To improve map awareness, make it a habit to glance at the minimap every few seconds and place wards in strategic locations to keep an eye on potential threats.

Gameplay Mistakes

Overextending Without Vision

Overextending, or pushing too far into enemy territory without sufficient vision, is a common mistake. This leaves you vulnerable to ambushes. Always place wards in key areas like river bushes and jungle entrances before pushing a lane. If the enemy team is missing from the map, it’s safer to fall back than risk getting caught.

Poor Positioning in Team Fights

Positioning in team fights is another area where beginners often struggle. Standing too close to the enemy frontline as a squishy champion, or staying too far back as a tank, can be detrimental to your team. Learn where to position based on your role: carries should stay behind their frontline, while tanks should be up front, soaking damage.

Neglecting Objectives

Many beginners focus solely on kills, ignoring key objectives like dragons, barons, and towers. However, objectives are what ultimately win games. Always keep track of objective timers and prioritize securing them with your team. Remember, a team that controls objectives often controls the game.

Mental and Strategic Errors

Tilt and Emotional Play

Tilt, or playing emotionally after a setback, is a common pitfall for new players. Tilt can lead to poor decision-making and a string of unnecessary losses. To avoid tilt, take breaks when frustrated, and remember that every game is a learning opportunity. Focus on improving rather than winning every single match.

Ignoring the Importance of Team Communication

League of Legends is a team game, and communication is key to success. Beginners often neglect communicating with their team, leading to missed opportunities and disjointed play. Use pings to alert your team to potential dangers or objectives, and try to keep chat positive and constructive.

Learning and Improving

Not Reviewing Your Games

Improvement comes from learning from your mistakes, and one of the best ways to do this is by reviewing your past games. Analyze your replays to identify where you went wrong and what you could have done better. Tools like the in-game replay system or third-party apps can be invaluable in this process.

Sticking to a Small Champion Pool

While it might be tempting to play many different champions, mastering a small pool of champions is more effective for beginners. This allows you to focus on improving your mechanics and understanding the game rather than constantly learning new champions. Start with beginner-friendly champions that suit your playstyle, and expand your pool as you gain more experience.


Starting out in League of Legends can be challenging, but by avoiding these common mistakes, you can accelerate your learning and enjoy the game more. Remember to focus on the basics, communicate with your team, and continuously review your gameplay to improve. With dedication and practice, you’ll be climbing the ranks in no time.


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