Top Valorant Agents Ranked: Best Picks for 2024

Top Valorant Agents Ranked: Best Picks for 2024

In 2024, selecting the right agent in Valorant is more crucial than ever, as the game's meta continues to evolve with each update. The top agents have established themselves not only through their raw power but also through their adaptability across various maps and team compositions. This guide ranks the top agents in Valorant for 2024, providing insights into their strengths, weaknesses, and how they fit into the current meta.

S-Tier Agents: The Best of the Best


Strengths: Jett remains a top-tier duelist thanks to her exceptional mobility, allowing her to dash and updraft out of dangerous situations. Her Blade Storm ultimate is deadly at both close and long ranges, making her a versatile threat on the battlefield.

Weaknesses: Jett's reliance on her abilities means that a well-timed misplay can leave her vulnerable. Her aggressive playstyle also requires precise execution, or she can be easily outmaneuvered by more cautious opponents.


Strengths: Raze brings unmatched explosive power to the team with her abilities like Paint Shells and Boom Bot, which are perfect for flushing out enemies from tight spaces. Her ultimate, Showstopper, can clear entire areas, making her a game-changer in pivotal moments.

Weaknesses: While powerful, Raze's abilities can be predictable, especially against opponents who are familiar with her tactics. Additionally, maximizing her potential often requires taking significant risks.


Strengths: Neon is all about speed and aggression. Her High Gear ability lets her outmaneuver almost any opponent, while her ultimate, Overdrive, turns her into a high-speed, high-damage menace.

Weaknesses: Neon's fast-paced playstyle can lead to overextensions, putting her in dangerous situations where a single misstep can be fatal. Her effectiveness also diminishes at longer ranges, where her speed is less of an advantage.

A-Tier Agents: Highly Effective Choices


Strengths: Omen is a versatile controller who excels at creating advantageous scenarios for his team. His smokes and teleportation abilities allow for strategic plays that can disrupt the enemy's plans.

Weaknesses: Omen's abilities require good coordination with teammates, and his Ultimate can be risky if not used wisely, as it often leaves him vulnerable during execution.


Strengths: Sova remains the premier initiator for information gathering. His Recon Bolt and Owl Drone provide crucial intel, making him indispensable for teams that rely on strategy and coordination.

Weaknesses: Sova’s toolkit demands a deep understanding of the map, and his effectiveness can be reduced by opponents who are adept at countering his recon abilities.


Strengths: Killjoy excels in area denial, making her an excellent choice for defending key positions. Her Lockdown ultimate is one of the most powerful in the game, capable of turning the tide during critical rounds.

Weaknesses: Killjoy's effectiveness is somewhat limited by the need to stay within range of her gadgets, which can restrict her movement and overall flexibility on larger maps.

B-Tier Agents: Situationally Strong Picks


Strengths: Phoenix is a well-rounded duelist with a mix of offensive and self-sustaining abilities. His Curveball flashes and Run It Back ultimate allow him to make aggressive plays with lower risk, making him a reliable pick in various scenarios.

Weaknesses: Phoenix’s abilities are most effective in close-quarters combat, making him less versatile in long-range engagements where his toolkit loses some of its impact.


Strengths: Viper is known for her strong area control, particularly on maps where space denial is key. Her Toxic Screen and Snake Bite can create chokepoints that force the enemy into disadvantageous positions.

Weaknesses: Viper's abilities are highly situational and require precise timing and positioning. Without proper setup, her impact on the match can be diminished.


Choosing the right agent in Valorant is crucial for maximizing your effectiveness in the game. The S-Tier agents like Jett, Raze, and Neon dominate the current meta with their powerful abilities and high impact on the battlefield. However, A-Tier agents like Omen, Sova, and Killjoy also offer strong alternatives, especially in coordinated team play. Meanwhile, B-Tier agents such as Phoenix and Viper can shine in specific situations or with the right team composition. Ultimately, the best agent for you will depend on your playstyle, team strategy, and the specific challenges of each match. Stay adaptable and continue to refine your skills with these top agents to stay ahead in 2024.

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